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IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0.1 多语版_SPSS统计分析软件

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业界领先的预测分析软件提供商 SPSS 公司推出其旗舰统计分析软件 SPSS 的最新版本 SPSS 19.0 for Windows。该版本继承了原有产品的特点之外还增加了许多显著的新特性。公司从大量的客户反馈信息中提取有益的建议,并加入到最新的版本之中。

SPSS 16 在数据管理、统计分析和可编程性方面增加了许多新的特性。除此之外,SPSS 16 还提供了新的
图形选项以及 PDF 格式输出功能-这些都是用户强烈要求的新特性。如果用户使用了 Dimensions™ 软件用于调查研究,
SPSS 同样能够直接导入和导出各种 Dimensions 数据模型™。对于企业用户来说,SPSS 服务器不仅性能得到加强,其中用于 SPSS 预测企业服务™的 SPSS 适配器能够让企业内部的各个部门能够更有效地>




在SPSS 以往版本中已经使用的一种高度可视化的构造图表交互界面-图形构建器在 SPSS 新版中得到了进一步的加强。新式的图表能够让用户将复杂的信息清晰地表现出来。而 PDF 格式的输出功能够让用户更好地同其它人员进行信息共享。


SPSS Base 16 提供了更强大的数据管理功能帮助用户通过 SPSS 使用其它的应用程序和数据库。用户还可以定制 SPSS 内部信息显示的方式,这样在管理数据的时候能够节省时间,也具备一定的灵活性。


SPSS Base 6 还包括了 ordinal regression(次序回归)分析算法,该算法在以前的版本中包含在 SPSS Advanced Models™ 附属模块中。在 16.0 中用户可以直接在 Base 模块中直接使用这种新的算法来对两种以上的变量的次序输出进行预测。例如,预测客户忠诚度及其与客户满意度的相关性。


SPSS 16.0 中包括了 SPSS Programmability Extension™ 功能,在 SPSS 命令语法语言的基础上提供与其它编程语言的结合功能。用其它语言编写的程序代码,如 Python®,可以管理使用 SPSS 语法所编写的任务流。使用 SPSS 16.0 提供的扩展编程功能和特性,让 SPSS for Windows 成为了最强大的统计开发平台

Data Analysis with Comprehensive Statistics Software

Solve business and research problems using SPSS, a statistical and data management package for analysts and researchers. SPSS and most of its add­on modules run on the most popular Operating platforms: Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®.

SPSS provides you with a broad range of capabilities for the entire analytical process. With SPSS, you can generate decision­making information quickly using powerful statistics, understand and effectively present your results with high­quality tabular and graphical output, share your results with others using a variety of reporting methods, and take advantage of the analytical asset storage and deployment capabilities of other SPSS products.

Results from your data analysis enable you to make smarter decisions more quickly by uncovering key facts, patterns, and trends. An optional server version delivers enterprise­strength scalability, additional tools, security, and enhanced performance

You can use SPSS in a variety of areas, including:

·Survey and market research and direct marketing
·Administrative research, human resources, and resource planning
·Medical, scientific, clinical, and social science research
·Planning and forecasting
·Quality improvement
·Reporting and ad hoc decision making
·Enterprise­level analytic application development

In particular, apply SPSS statistics software to gain greater insight into the actions, attributes, and attitudes of people­your customers, employees, students, or citizens.

Add more functionality as you need it

SPSS is a modular, tightly integrated, full­featured product line for the analytical process­planning, data collecting, data access, data management and preparation, data analysis, reporting, and deployment. Using a combination of add­on modules and stand­alone software that work seamlessly with SPSS Base enhances the capabilities of this statistics software. The intuitive interface makes it easy to use­yet it gives you all of the data management, statistics, and reporting methods you need to do a wide range of analysis.

Gain unlimited programming capabilities

Dramatically increase the power and capabilities of SPSS by using the SPSS Programmability Extension™. This feature enables analytic and application developers to extend the SPSS command syntax language to create procedures and applications­and perform even the most complex jobs­within SPSS. The SPSS Programmability Extension is included with SPSS Base, making this statistics software an even more powerful solution.

Employ data throughout your enterprise

For enterprise users, SPSS provides sophisticated capabilities so that you can use analytics throughout your organization. Use the SPSS Adapter to integrate SPSS into the SPSS Predictive Enterprise Services™ platform. This platform provides centralized, secure, auditable storage of your analytical assets­enabling you to use data more productively and consistently across your organization. For an enterprise­wide analytical solution, use SPSS Server.

SPSS is available in English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Korean, and Russian. Contact your local Office to find out version information and more.

If you are an OEM and would like to add the predictive analytics capabilities of SPSS to your application, check out the Embeddable Version for OEMs.

SPSS 16.0 is now available in North America. You can order new licenses of SPSS 16.0 directly from the Web store. If you would like to upgrade an earlier version of the software to SPSS 16.0, please contact an SPSS Inc. representative at 1.800.543.2185 (North American customers only). To find out the availability of SPSS 16.0 in your area, contact your local office


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标题:《IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0.1 多语版_SPSS统计分析软件》


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