CommView is a program for monitoring Internet and Local Area Network
(LAN) activity capable of capturing and analyzing network packets.
It gathers information about data passing through your dialup
connection or Ethernet card and decodes the analyzed data.
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What you can do with CommView:
View detailed IP connections statistics: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
Reconstruct TCP sessions.
Map packets to the application that is sending or receiving them.
View protocols distribution, bandwidth utilization, and network nodes charts and tables.
Generate traffic reports in real time.
Browse captured and decoded packets in real time.
Search for strings or hex data in captured packet contents.
Import and export packets in Sniffer®, EtherPeek™, AiroPeek™, Observer®, NetMon, and Tcpdump formats, export packets in hex and text formats.
Configure alarms that can notify you about important events, such as suspicious packets, high bandwidth utilization, unknown addresses, etc.
Create your own plugins for decoding any protocol.
Exchange data with your application over TCP/IP.
Export any IP address to SmartWhois for quick, easy IP lookup.
Capture loopback traffic.