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mybatis 3.5.0 官方版 - 持久层框架

本软件下载地址未录入,如想要软件请评论,我们会补上!MyBatis是一款优秀的持久层框架,它支持定制化 SQL、存储过程以及高级映射。MyBatis避免了几乎所有的JDBC代码和手动设置参数以及获取结果集。MyBatis可以使用简单的XML或注解来配置和映射原生信息,将接口和 Java 的 POJO映射成数据库中的记录

We are pleased to announce the release of MyBatis 3.5.0.
This version requires Java version 8 and later.

The below is the list of user visible changes.

Avoid 'Illegal reflective access' warning on JDK 9+. #1156
Added Automatic-Module-Name : org.mybatis #1199
Support java.util.Optional as return type of mapper method. #799
Avoid unnecessary wasNull() calls from the built-in type handlers. #1244
It is now possible to specify columnPrefix in constructor arguments. #968
Improved reliability when searching constructor for auto-mapping. #1277
It is now possible to access private, package private and protected members in OGNL expressions. #1258
Throw exception if the specified keyProperty is not found when assigning generated keys. #1250
Added a type handler for SQLXML data type. #1221
tag now trims the leading comma. #21
Infer tag's resultType from the enclosing resultMap. #486
Combination of @CacheNamespace and does not throw exception anymore. #1194
Support log4J 2.6+. #1210
Slightly improved compatibility with drivers that only support JDBC 3 API. #1386
Upgraded testing framework to JUnit 5. #1425
Bug fixes:
OffsetDateTimeTypeHandler, OffsetTimeTypeHandler and ZonedDateTimeTypeHandler loses time zone information. #1081
Avoid SQLException when using Cursor with Db2. #1345
Avoid exception when using Cursor with ReuseExecutor. #1351
RowBounds with out-of-range offset causes SQLException on Db2. #1355
Specified logging implementation is not used in some classes. #1272
Unable to resolve javaType for . #1381
Deeply nested (3+ levels) result map could cause IllegalArgumentException. #1176
Generic type parameter is not correctly resolved when the class hierarchy is deeper than 3 levels. #1260

标题:《mybatis 3.5.0 官方版 - 持久层框架》


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